Why Stock Market is Better Bet than Fixed Deposit
There is a myth that common people can't make money in the stock market. Problem
is, common people are too pessimistic to enter the stock market or they enter with
too much optimism to beat the market which creates the actual problem. Pursuing
the medium path with patience is the key to success and that always yields good
return even if the person is not an expert in any kind of analysis in the stock
Sensex Vs Fixed Deposit Vs Inflation in Last Decade(Yearly % return)
Above chart explains the earlier premise. This chart has captured the data of the
last 10 years return on Sensex, fixed deposit and how much inflation has eaten silently
during the same time period. We can see inflation has eaten away almost all the
profit accrued through fixed deposit. If you see carefully then during this phase
sometimes inflation was higher than fixed deposit. What does this mean? It means
people having fixed deposit during that period were losing their money in terms
of purchasing power.
What’s extra? This calculation has not included the benefit
due to dividend, stock bonus etc. In terms of tax, fixed deposit income is considered
as regular income and attracts higher tax in comparison with stock market which
is just capital gain.
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