Bazaar Analysis
Realizing your investment growth potential ...

Wannabe Traders

Individuals who are new to stock market and would like to learn the tips and tricks, this is the place for them. In coming days we will have variety of items here apart from lots of educative materials (Video and text tutorials)

Highlight of some items which we will roll out soon!
Twenty-20: A game which will provide users 20 sessions past data of some real stock and will ask next 20 session there own call for buy and sell. At end of the session the user will able to evaluate how much profit or loss made on basis of his own judgment. Information
Paper Trading: This section will be just next to real day trading experience. User will open an account with us and make a call for buy and sell (during actual market hour) on daily basis either based on our recommendation or their own judgment and can evaluate the performance continuously Information
Learning Online: We will have series of videos and text articles here for each level of users.
e.g.What's Technical Analysis?
What's Fundamental Analysis?
Why you should bet on stock than fixed deposit
6 Reasons Which Often Wrongly Influence One’s Stock Market Decisions
Is Investment in Stock Market Gambling?
Social Forum: Place where you can discuss any contemporary issues or ask any question. Either one of the experts from our team will answer your query and/or other users from the forum Information
Class Room Training: In coming days we will form a team for training and education. Experts will visit to your citi and they will teach the subject matter to interested folks. Information
Do you have some query or feedback? Information Information